I Met A Beautiful Girl

I met a beautiful girl

In a place where I often travel

This was our first meeting

After knowing since time being.

She was cool and soft

But was quite and loft

I didn't knew how to talk and what to ask

Random question just popped up and we did bask.

Temple and its utmost surrounding

People frequenting pigeons flying

We climbed stairs and sat together

And was in a process to know each other.

We talked and were silent

In between there was amazing radiant

Glowing precisely warming slightly

The atmosphere danced all in all brightly.

As everything that's started comes to an end

Our few hours journey came to contend

The moments that we just lived in blend

Will remain alive in memories penned.

I met a beautiful girl

In a place where I often travel

This was our first meeting

After knowing since time being.

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Website: http://mynameismoin.blogspot.com

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/moin.uddin.98