Hey Sarah, Que Sara…

Hey Sarah, Que Sara, Sarah, Sarah Say…

Our annual fotune-telling experiment


As each New Year hits the fan,

perhaps it’s time to make a plan.

What resolutions do I need

and which endeavors might succeed,

full knowing none are guaranteed.

Should I try again this year,

or just sit back and have a beer?

I don’t know what my friends may think

but I’m inclined to have that drink,

so join me—let our glasses clink,

and we will toast the New Year in

as we move on from where we’ve been.

We may not know what lies ahead—

the future really can’t be read.

(Yes, “Que Sera” is what she said.)

Each step we take may not be right;

the roads diverge both day and night.

The common or the un-trod one,

whichever way your race is run,

means your next journey has begun.

Each day we start a brand-new year,

each moment quick to disappear,

for age is just the price we pay

for being here another day,

so let’s move on into the fray

as if we really knew the way.

By Ken Gosse

From: United States

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/ken.gosse/