From the Very Last Seat

From the Very Last Seat in the Plane

Is that wind or machine?

Or brain making sense of the

Incessant roar with

Its background thrum and


Low and high frequencies parry

For supremacy...

human murmurs interrupt

baby sounds

orders taken

ice sliding from scoop to cup

pop-tops popping

drinks fizzing

another request (or demand)

and murmured response

Banking now

Sun reflected off the wing

skittering through the cabin

Overwhelming the brain

Reducing the world to light and noise

And cramping legs

Is that wind or machine?

Nature or artifact?

As artifact becomes more normal

Interwoven with nature...

when do these questions

lose their meaning

or at least their significance

realizing that flying humans

simply proves we weren’t meant

to be just nature?


Discovered in all that noise

In the very last seat of the plane

By Russell Willis

From: United States


Instagram: russell.willis.1217

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