Feeding Demons

Soul contract she said- the words penetrated my core...

Slave to deception I will be no more.

You can track me through the astral plane from every generation and every name

Different lives, different bodies

wielding your power as if you were Godly.

Not anymore. Never again.

Find someone else to bow to your sin

you can’t make someone love you it’s all an illusion

The truth is I was stuck in your delusion.

I cast you out the way you got in,

the door slams shut you didn’t win.

I’m stronger than you and this you know, watch me fight back as your energy grows low...

you can’t survive without a host,

you were a leech and now you’re a ghost...

The contract has ended, the vows been broken

No more suffering or obedience the words have been spoken

I banish you back to the hell you crawled out of

I can’t believe I thought this was love

By Becca Hulen

From: United States