Elephant in the Room

Elephant in the Room!

Never mind the elephant in the room

Shake off those shivers of doom

For, if we ignore his plight,

Mightn’t he just fade from sight,

The elephant in the room,

Our shivers of doom..?

Shake off! Speak not of him…

Happy thoughts - never grim!

Yoo hoo! We love you!

From afar - We do! Tis true!

Hey! He got a room!

Friends, too!

Exhale. Rejoice.

Wait for the next voice...

More and more - all too soon.

Elephants in the room…

Can’t be shaken, not spoken.

The homeless plight, unbroken.

Systems fail, mothers wail…

Who/what to blame, stone, unveil?

Of the cause - toss the coin..

Of the cure...all righteous enjoin:

Our God!

Our Plan!

Our Creed!

Our Steps!





Let us save you. Hey!

Our way!

A room?

No doom, you say?

Well...in time…

Maybe. Pal o’ mine.

Always an elephant in the room.

Shivers, Sense of doom.

Homelessness a Reality.

Hopelessness a Reality.

Inhumanity a Reality.



Housing, first.

Only one druther:

Do unto others…

One Amen...

As you would have them…

Communal Truth...

Do unto you.

By Fran Pearce

From: United States