
At the end

Of a long, hard, winding road

Lies a place:


Some say that point

Is inevitable



But if that be true

Do we have no choice?

No power

To determine our fate?

Do our intentions and words and actions

Make no difference

Have no impact

Carry no consequence

On a predetermined fate?

Is there no reward for “good”

No accounting of “evil”?

Is judgement on our life rendered

Before we have lived it?

Or is Destiny, judgment at all?

Or simply an end

To a physical plane of existence

Rather than some “prize”

Or “punishment”?

Regardless whether Destiny

Be a predetermined fate


Or simply Death

There is one constant:

As we travel life’s road

Towards its inevitable conclusion

Good works matter

For if Destiny be preordained

Good works benefit the world around us

And Life is the better for it

Yet if fate be judgmental

A sentence passed on life as lived

Good works accrue worth

As gold against dross

And if Destiny be nothingness

Then mortal existence is Everything

And, again, good works benefit us all

As we face the challenges of this life

Some say

It is not the destination

But the journey

That is its own reward

So then too

May we say that we should not live for Destiny

But for each other

For surely a worthy life lived

Counts at its end

And as it is lived

Thus being a goal we should aspire to

Called not “destiny”

But “legacy”


And “Love”

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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