/Our measure of Time
Is arbitrary, artificial.
We measure the rate of vibration
Of a molecule and divides
That natural cycle into equal parts.
Arbitrary and artificial because time
Is a mere progression of moments
And a moment only flows, like water
It can’t be grasped, divided or held.
It doesn’t, and can’t, stop.
Because a moment is already the Past.
This non-moment is the only moment
This non-time, the only time we have
Can’t exist if now is defined by then, and when
Because what we call “then” didn’t exist, then.
And won’t, when.
Time is a force, one side of the coin
And it is a measure, of distance
And distance requires Space,
The other side of the coin.
Space is movement, motion
And motion, with time, is Creation.
Time, with Space, expands the universe
Into greater being.
But the sides must be balanced.
When Space is all, there is no Time
Creation is fetal,
Both unborn and buried.
When Time is all, there is no Motion
No Space. When Motion ceases
Creation is unborn.
Neither can exist alone.
Time and Space must work as one.
Without space, there is no time
And without time, no space.
With either, there is the other.
And with either, there is no other
Only both, as One.
If the Present is a progression of Moments.
And if a Moment is already the Past
Then the Present can’t exist.
Yet, when Time is complete
Past, present and future are
Fixed in the spheres
Motionless and unchanging.
This non-thing, non-moment
All that we have, can’t exist
Yet, it does.
I wander through time
And think that it wanders through me.
I lie in bed at night and wonder
With dread and with hope.
I try to remember physics, and why
This moment can’t be real
And I’m not even sure that it matters.
Because in Time we move, we Dance!
From the point of Stillness
To the point of Timelessness, we move
Ever outward, bound nowhere and everywhere.
And it is Creation!
By Blaine Coleman
From: United States
Twitter: xplorer1959
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