Believe A Dream

You won’t believe it.

I knew it as I typed this.

I sat at my office desk.

I glanced at the large monitor.

I adjusted my glasses

and went to work.

A man with a dream.

It was more than a dream.

In a Birmingham jail cell,

he begged for peaceful protests.

Civility had no time for threats of violence.

No guns.

No fights.

Just the power of words

and ideas that pierced

the veil of separation

as the norm.

It was more than a feeling.

It’s more than a tattoo.

More than reasons

for changing seasons.

Love guided a dream

over still waters

to soften the hearts of stone.

For all they knew, as sand escapes their fingertips,

into a wishing well of forgetfulness.

Some forgiveness was due to those

who knew the dream was not just for others,

but the dream was for even those

who hated the ramblings of a pastor

who knew his end was near,

but gave his life for a dream

that included everyone, including you.

Maybe now you’ll believe it.

By Andy Cooper

From: United States

Twitter: AC0040