Behold The Healer

Natalia said healing

was in the beholder’s eye.

But my sight for faith

missed the mark

at the first site we met.

What I did and didn’t

do boiled regret like a stew

in my spirit.

I dropped to a knee

and promised to inhale

the fresh air, and to

open my eyes to the possibility

of mending fences over broken

boundaries would stitch

our faith in each other together


Natalia wrapped her long, red hair

around her neck.

I released the tension in my chest.

I surveyed Natalia, not with a simple

glance, but drenched in her aura

of innocence.

A pristine glance curled

the grimace on her lips.

I deserved the wrath of her existence.

But Natalia bestowed the grace

of a goddess upon us.

By Andy Cooper

From: United States


Twitter: AC0040