Attitude of Gratitude
/Be grateful for what you have
As one day when you'll lose the grip from it
You'll realize how fortunate you were to have those
So understand and nurture those blessings before it decompose
The attitude of gratitude is your saviour
So cultivate the habit of thanking even if it seems crazier
You never know your small act of appreciation can take you far in your carrier
So be gentle and calm and bank into your prayer
If in doubt go and see the mirror
How beautifully you are made and given to you brainpower
Reflect on it and turn all the pages of your wellbeing
You'll understand and feel how lucky you're to get all those things
Listen to all the whispers that life has been telling to you
Feel the vibes and get into it to know what's true
You'll be amazed that every time life has been at your side
But you were the ones who didn't listen and moved on your demands to face the strife
By Moin Uddin
From: Nepal
Instagram: moin.writer
Twitter: rjmoin
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