At The Precipice

We gird our loins

And take the field

Chin up, fists on hips

Facing the onslaught

And when tragedy strikes


But do not break

Though our hearts be sundered

Our limbs twisted and bruised

Faith itself challenged

‘Tis said

“What does not kill us

“Makes us stronger”

But in truth it is how we respond

To the lowest point of our being

That begins our renewal

Or our inevitable decline

Oh! We shall be changed!

But the question is:

When at the precipice

Do we plummet in despair?

Or soar in exultation?

Whether circumstance

(or, rather, our reaction to it)

Shall enslave us?

Or set us free?

Either way takes us beyond

But the choice

Is ours

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Instagram: MikeTurnerSongwriter

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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