A Lifetime Of...

A Lifetime Of Loyalty and Joy

After the end of a bad relationship, a blind date started decades of devotion.


Springtime in Fairhope, breathtaking.

Milky-white dogwood petals float ubiquitously.

A season of warmth,

A season of joy,

A season of possibilities.

A movie, a meal, polite discourse.

Should I give love a chance?

He was handsome.

He was polite.

He wanted another date.

I was looking forward to faithfulness.

Someone who could walk by my side.

We took a chance on each other.

Many years of happiness followed.

He came into my life decades ago.

We hiked for years along the bay.

Love survived this time.

Love brought us triplets.

Love kept the promise blossoming

By Debby Hackbarth

From: United States

Website: https://deborahhackbarth.com

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093120188419