Manifest Success
Good karma comes when you stop focusing on revenge.Turn tragedy into triumph by investing time in your success...
My destiny is legacy. Written in the stars predetermined to shine. Time is of no essence to greatness. Shaped by God’s hands. Guided by the universe to disperse creation of a different kind. Imaginings from a twisted mind. The magnetic energy of Mercury flows within attracting those with similar souls: brethren in gains and goals. Twins of ambition. I must listen.
Come correct and respect the signs the cosmos is casting. Climb up on the perilous path carved for me. The road paved with good intentions and calamity is mine. Armed with the will power to face it. Prepared with the perfect dose of insanity to embrace it. Complete complacence in my ability to navigate tragedy; to rewrite trauma with the all-mighty pen. Avenge against the travesties of enemies with nothing less than the best to manifest success.
Let Karma do the dirty work. Shed me of the dead weight. Allow me the freedom to breathe again. What is meant for me, will be. Faith that fake friends will not stay as their masks fade; eradicated by the power in my purpose. Unfit to come along for the ride. Distractions causing inaction, precious moments wasted away. Maintain small circles to end the cycle and keep my cynicism at bay. Turn my darkest hours into beacons that lead the way.