Viral Karma

Once every few hundred years two remarkable things happen.

One is always good. This time? The discovery of gravitational waves has revolutionized the world of science and answered a plethora of questions allowing science to move forward to knew questions based on the discoveries made and new hypothesis for previously unanswered questions based on the same discovery.

The second… I always bad. Usually catastrophic in some manner, shape or form. And more often than not is comes in the shape of a pandemic. In the previous hundred year we faced the H1N1 Flu outbreak. 1918. This was tragic and we were well under prepared for what came for us. This is usually the case. Now we encounter the Corona-virus, causing Covid19 the disease. And like before, we are well under prepared. It’s human nature to forget our past and repeat our mistakes. It’s miraculous that we can both obey the logic of science so precisely and detect gravitational waves and then completely ignore science so precisely we miss something that the numbers tell us is a statistic probability.

Human nature is quite fascinating. We seem to always loop back to where…

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