Long Winter's Nap

…getting colder every day. He didn’t really have any way of fighting the cold either. As it was, he was already wearing just about every piece of clothing he owned. The only things left in his army surplus backpack were a couple of t-shirts and one pair of socks. Of course there was the ratty sleeping bag too, but that was for nights, when it got really…

By B Hazy

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It Don't Come Easy

…thumbed through his paperback book as the bus trundled across Salford. He tried to concentrate on the novel while also keeping an eye on where he was. He really didn’t want to miss his stop. He completed his journey, half in the real world, and half in the noir world of the gritty thriller he was engrossed in. As he read, ideas for stories of his own popped in his head, some were twists on the story…

By Chris Platt

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…said from the desk. The night crew left the confetti on the floor from the day prior. Their inmate named Nightshade was let go. They threw him a party; the confetti was toilet paper bleeding with ink; many of them had fresh tattoos from their celebration. The night clerk reported the scene but the night crew let them have at it. Nightshade was a robust guy with wide…

By Candace Meredith

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A Type of Coincidence

…hopped off the bus with a smile on his face. As the bus doors hissed shut behind him, he headed down the high street. There was nowhere like Manchester city centre. He could spend hours mooching around the city. He particularly enjoyed the area known as the Northern Quarter. The streets had a buzz all of their own. The Northern Quarter had an old-fashioned yet…

By Chris Platt

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Out of the Blue

…was pulling on his coat, about to leave for another day of nine-to-five drudgery and office politics, when the letter came through his letterbox. It landed on the mat, face up, lying invitingly. The top corner of the white envelope bore the hallmark of Esther Dennis, the latest publisher he’d submitted his novel…

By Chris Platt

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Love Is A Stolen Car

A day in the life of heroin addict Santiago and the search for his girlfriend.


…drinking at Jeff's Pub with a guy who enjoys my company for some strange reason. My guess, he's entertained by my witty, sarcastic and what he considers humorous dialogue. This guy is obnoxious, poor hygiene , a bigot, a racist and a dedicated Catholic with a firm belief in God. He is also my Barber…

By Judge Santiago Burdon

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Write To Reply

…adjusted his bag on his shoulder and took a deep breath before pushing through the creaking double doors of the old scout hut. The seven people sitting around the long table in the middle of the room turned to see who was joining them. A woman in her fifties got to her feet, smiling politely. She removed her reading…

By Chris Platt

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Slide Effects

…rolled over and switched off the buzzing alarm clock. Seven a.m. He sighed. Had he slept at all? It felt like he’d been awake all night. Hardly surprising, these days, though. By December 2020, having lived under the shadow of the global pandemic, did anyone sleep like they once did? We don’t sleep, he thought, we just lie down and close our...

By Chris Platt

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