Perfect Imperfections

…love yourself before someone can love you? Well in a way that isn't necessarily true. Yes, loving yourself is important but think about it ; if a person can fall in love with you while you're a complete wreck, imagine how much more they will love you when you finally become truly happy again. If anything that person that decided to love you is putting the broken pieces of your heart back together and is slowly but surely making you regain the confidence you once had. Making you think "wow this person sees the good in me and loves me…

By Rikki Clark

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There is Something about You

…often filled with anxiety when we see that time is passing and we aren't achieving anything or impacting anyone. We question whether we have a purpose at all. Do we have a purpose?

Making something of yourself, feeling a sense of fulfillment, being passionate, feeling joy, feeling peace and comfort all combine to reveal what your purpose is. Having and building a sense of self is purpose. Finding yourself and being yourself makes who you are special. The energy you lets saturate a room with passion and happiness is a major manifestation of purpose. Purpose is happiness in your current…

By Nina Rondon


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Facebook and Self Promotion

…history of the world confirms how mankind has yearned and lusted to be noticed, to be known, to be a celebrity (of sorts) than what the pages of Facebook reveal. All the simple, ordinary people we once knew who lived inconspicuous lives, some too camera-shy to have their pictures taken, some too reticent to say no more than hello to you, are today on Facebook, telling the world every last detail of themselves, posting pictures of themselves, sometimes daily, sometimes hourly, as if a moment passes and there is no new post about them the world might stop spinning and there would be some kind of cosmic apocalypse…

By Anonymous

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A cool experiment one can do is to periodically accept the tenets of a thought system that you find repugnant. It's amazing but pretty soon one finds themselves believing in that thought system as strongly as any other system of thought they have ever held. Then after a while buy into the foundational tenants of another belief system and you'll find it equally compelling.

You might ask what the point of performing such an experiment might be? It gives one perspective, and in doing so promotes tolerance and understanding for those who believe in thought systems that one may currently hold as absurd. Once one realizes that every system of thought people hold is equally absurd, life becomes much more pleasant. It becomes much easier to not become emotionally affected in a negative way by the views of others and it promotes tolerance and love between all of the wonderful and perfect beings that exist. I love you all equally and unconditionally!

By Agni James

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The Grandest Lie

I can’t help but lie. All I say and do is a lie. There’s never not a moment to lie. I’m in love with it. Even if there was a way to stop it wouldn’t be welcome. There is no reason to stop. The more lies told the more detailed things become. The lies generate power and if I don’t continue to lie my heart will stop. The universe depends on the fact that I lie to make things possible. These lies I’ve told myself hold me, I, us, together and collective in this dimension, reality or universe depending what you call it. We’re all part of the grandest lie. The lie of existence. Unless there is an always active lie moving this experience forward we would all collapse into the true nature of existence. Then I’d have to lie again and we’d be right back where we starter.

On the bright side, that was a lie.

By Seth McAlliter

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Third Eye

The human conditioning of consciousness has confined us in what we’ve come to understand as the third dimensional reality. The “solidity” of this realm has us mesmerized and captivated, but it’s no more than an imaginary construct of conscious and subconscious minds. The illusions of reality, of life and death are subjective and different to each individual. All is no more than rules provided by consciousness to navigate through informational awareness.

To break free of this conditioning we must approach all things with the acknowledgement that no individual reality is correct because no two realities agree. The key word here is perspective. Relativity dictates your third dimensional reality is decided by your location relative to other things. Perspective is your ability to visualize and exist in another’s location through sheer will. To change your point of view and understand another’s.


By Seth McAllister

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The Illusion of Love

Love is a fictional construct. The illusive masses convince themselves they love all the while riddled with hypocritical judgements for those same they love. It’s easy to witness the same theist claim they love all of gods creations equally while against their own belief judging and damning those who behave differently to a life of punishment because of those very differences.

Love is a plate of bullshit you feed the girl you want to fuck or the guy who has enough money to want to marry. It’s the drive that pushes you to have children if it means free government funds and food. Love is the backhand you introduce your partner of “eternity”. Love is raping your niece when they’re too young and telling them to tell no one because she doesn’t love you if she does...


By Seth McAllister


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Technically Speaking

Love is definably a series of neurological reaction to stimuli. In most cases, these stimuli are from previously stored and catalogued memories. In rare cases, the triggering stimuli derives from the five dominant senses projected by the human brain. The neurological reactions trigger the release of endorphins and promote joy, happiness and the emotion of love.


By Franklin Understien, PhD

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