Why choose hate when you can love?

Shit, shit, shit !!!

She spilled out of her mouth as soon as she saw blood in her panties and she went crying to her mother and instead of comforting her, she told her about all those restrictions that will soon bind her.

Men don't cry!!

His father screamed at him as he fall from his cycle and started crying.

He's gay (ew) !!!

He heard this hundredth of time as he revealed his sexuality. It's so unnatural, what will happen to you now, it's just the effect of western world, we will go to see a doctor and all that bullshit. Later on he got used to it.

Are you a terrorist?

Such questions were slapped on his face, when he told his name, "Mohammad Ali" .

She doesn't belong to a good family!

When they saw her dancing on TV, they commented on her family lineage. "Haww she's dancing like that on TV, idk what else she might be doing to ruin her family reputation."

This is rubbish!

His father told him, when he talked about his dream. He doesn't want to be an engineer but to be a youtuber.

What will society say?

Her mother-in-law said when she proposed her idea of continuing her job after the marriage. "We don't need your money to sustain, you stay at home and do your household chores" she snapped at her.

She's a slut!

"Ohh my god she was roaming till 11 with boys last night, smoking, drinking and going on road trips" the society aunties gossiped about her.


Can we just stop!!! Can we stop demeaning every human being? Can we stop passing judgements on them? Can we stop calling them wrong just because they're different from our conventional society?? Can we just stop wars and help in spreading peace?? The war isn't always fought with guns and bombs, your words can be a pistol too.

Can we smile at strangers instead of frowning? Can we stop criticising people for what they do, what's their sexuality, and all those bloody personal things from which we literally have no concern?

In a world, where we could smile, make others smile. Why choose hate when you can love?

By Ritika Singh

From: India

Twitter: sayingprecisely