Where Fools Dare…

Where Fools Dare to Tread

In 1711, Alexander Pope wrote, " "fools rush in where angels fear to tread" in "An Essay on Criticism."


All Hallows’ Eve, the last stroke of midnight,

foolhardy miscreants take on a dare.

Pretty soon lunatics vanish from sight.

Ouija boards urge them to search in moonlight.

Epitaphs let them share others’ despair

on All Hallows’ Eve’s last stroke of midnight.

Bullies tease faint hearts who run off in fright

and kick the derriere of those they can scare.

Soon, all the timorous vanish from sight.

Hearty souls bravely put bullies to flight

although shaking knees are hard to forbear

on All Hallows’ Eve’s last stroke of midnight.

Twelve’s final toll will leave many contrite,

then they discover it’s too late for prayer!

Even the penitent vanish from sight.

Pursue to their rue; their actions indict

unhallowed visitors caught in a snare

on All Hallows’ Eve’s last stroke of midnight

when all the trespassers vanish from sight.

By Ken Gosse

From: United States

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/ken.gosse/