Well-Woven Trap

With open eyes at midnight 

and bleeding heart torn apart;

she looks at the sky. No cry, no tears…

Just pain, unbearable pain...from betrayal.

She didn’t feel when he began

knitting his sticky net of fake feelings, 

flashing compliment after compliment;

whispering in her ears many sweet lies, 

kissing her softly like an evening breeze

on her ruby-red lips; attractive, seductive; 

gliding his hands on her young tender curves;

burning her inside with velvety moves.

In the morning, sparkling wine

and showers of jewels made her blind. 

He named after her numerous stars,

promised the whole universe.

He carved flaming sigils of love on her heart.

One day, she found a wedding ring in his pocket.

“You never asked, I never told. Well…I need to go.”

The sound of a closing door shuttered her life.

The stars went dark. The gift of universe

turned into vanishing dust. 

She felt a filthy net on her skin;

a well-woven trap, named FAKE LOVE.

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States