Grey Thoughts

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Unknown Future

Scientists are busy

In the laboratories

Doing genetic manipulation

They split and recombine genes

From different species 

As easily as tailors sew

Various kinds of fabric together

Unusual biological products spring up

Like vaccine banana, medicinal egg 

Enviropig, web-spinning goat

Fast-growing salmon

And many other GEO crops

They assume the job of Creator

Ignore time-honored evolution:

By natural selection and adaptation

To reach harmony and balance

In the ecosystem and biosphere

Their avowed purpose

Is to improve upon the biological 

And botanical creations 

But in truth the motivation is greed

The misuse of modern science

May turn out to be the key

That opens Pandora’s box

To chaos in the world   

Will we have the wisdom

To tackle the ensuing havoc

But if judge by the past history

Of mankind, it is doubtful

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States