Ashley Dunn has lots of fiction and poetry and is starting to get organised (artistically). He hosts a monthly poetry night. His first poem has been published by Roi Fainéant Press. He is based in Bristol, UK. He can be found on Instagram and Twitter with @ashleydwriting. He loves you.


The middle of this ‘O’:

That’s where you wanna be.

Actually, no!

The middle of a ‘U’:

That’s you;

That’s me.

We’ll stay open then,

But held in a gap.

Safe, but in space,

Like a moon

In a lap.

U can sit in it as nothing,

Then fly off into more.

Into the open, open,


Higher higher;

Soar soar.

Let it not be too defined;

Let it stand for ‘undefined’!

An ‘O’ being too tight,

Like a hug that’s too unkind.

But a ‘U’s a good place holder

For a poem

Or a nothing.

For a got

Then get going –

Up and out


By Ashley Dunn

From: United Kingdom

Website: http://ashleydunnwriting.co.uk/

Instagram: ashleydwriting

Twitter: ashleydwriting