Two Kids On The Beach

Two kids on the beach.

Me - with a creamy white dress

sawn by my aunt and blush pink pearls,

embroider with love by my mom.

I differed from the other girls.

When we first met under the sun.

I was five, you were six.

You differed from other boys, too

by being funny and smart, 

knowing how to explain million things.

Every summer we’ve met

to see how much we grew up.

I always collected sea shells. 

You gave me the most beautiful star;

then, the very first passionate kiss…

Our hearts were already in love

and the sand castles were not only dreams,

they grew up with us, turned into home

with two beautiful kids – one in a dress,

with embroidered pearls and the other

- a boy who builds castles full of dreams, 

always knowing how to explain things.

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States