Trust the Process…

Trust the Process With St. Peter’s Interns

Out of body experience? Sure, just trust the process, please.


I’ve got company in the divine elevator

With two of St. Peter’s interns.

Two silent angels 

Supposed to bring me to heaven.

I was sure, I deserved

The furnace down there, 

In the flaming basement.

A-ha! I was told it was a tunnel.

Hell no! I was lifted up

Thinking: “O-oh, what if 

I get stack in between two levels

In this holy skyscraper.

It happened before. I was returned

To my small earthy life

Not once, but twice.

O-oh, Divine Angels!

Help me out this time,

Lift me up straight to heaven

Or drop me from above

 - I don’t mind, 

But don’t stack me again 

With a claustrophobic guy.

He was swearing, 

Then he begged hell and heaven

Not to die. Then he cried, 

Then he grabbed my skirt to stay in touch

With a human soul (At least he said so) 

While biting his fingers

And weaving his knees on the floor.

He glued to my legs and tried

To express his fear.

I just wanted to disappear

When he hugged me so tied;

I thought I might completely die

From suffocation. Then he began

hiding behind my back for protection

He opened my little umbrella

To stop the ceiling to fall from above.

Hey you, St. Peter’s interns,

I trust you, but promise me 

– This time no more returns;

No ups and downs or any confusion.

I trust the process and I have no illusion. 

Just bring me… where I deserve.

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States