Trujillo The Tyrant

General Trujillo was the tyrant of Dominican Republic between 1930 and 1961, when he was assassinated.


To my brother Eddy, hero and survivor

of torture

I’m the shadow

Behind shadows

I’m the lightning

That makes you blind.

I’m the demon

Laughing at your tears.

I swallow your pride for supper

Throw your bones by the side;

I’ll possess your daughter

No matter where you hide her.

I’ll smell the black soil of your farm

I’ll want it, I’ll have it

You’re lucky to be alive.

You know my evil,

The stench of my perfume,

Fear my spies,

Proclaim my power

With your shaken teeth.

Call me Beast

But obey my commands.

Only heroes may defeat me

If so I’ll die fighting on my feet!

I’m the shadow

Behind shadows

Never doubt me

Dare stop me!

By Ricardo Bogaert-Alvarez

From: United States

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