Grey Thoughts

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Time Unspooled

Some say Time is an arrow

Once loosed, flying forward

Towards an inevitable conclusion

But I have run backwards in time

Removed the arrow from the bow

And replaced in quiver

Thence withdrawing from the temporal moment

Lifting away from “Now”

And launching towards “What Has Been”

Watching Time, coiled as a spring

Unwind, losing tension

Releasing the pent-up power of prior acts and ages

Seeing Yesterday approach, becoming “Now” again

And hurling beyond

Towards ever more distant events and epochs

Faster and faster did the Past unspool

As civilizations rose and fell

And Humankind’s journey digressed

From shining cities populated by incredible machines

Where men and women enjoyed their leisure

To towns, villages, encampments, caves

Whilst the wonders of the age

Devolved from computer to abacus to lines in the sand

Until fire itself became the defining technology

At last, energies spent, untold eons fleeing

I stood on the edge of a lapping sea

The primal pool of life itself

And in that instant the arrow was again strung

And loosed, hurtling forward once more

Returning to the point whence I had begun

Having returned, I saw that Time

Is less an arrow, less a vehicle of temporal travel

Than, rather, the journey itself

And that the inevitable affect of Time

Is much the same coming or going

Where empty plains form to great metropolises, to empty plains again

And the experience of Life itself is a cycle

Of No Life - Life - No Life

Birth and Death being equal end-points

Having witnessed and recognized these Truths

And returned to this Time and Place

I stand ready for Time’s coming journey

Drawing upon all that has Been

And all that is Now

To prepare to build what Will Be

And so, drawing bow yet again

Launch a new arrow forward into the unknown

As the Great Spring again unwinds

And the Future itself

Begins anew

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Instagram: MikeTurnerSongwriter

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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