Grey Thoughts

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Time is Now

The narrator and friend have a wake up call, realising it's time to do their bit to help the ailing world


Something is amiss in faerieland.

The lights are dim.

The freshness mingles with the dust and webs of age.

We cough, and breath a shallow intake.

You talk to me about traveling, and eating right.

I don’t hear your incentives, just the dark

Hidden challenge of being good enough

Or wanting to slay yet another feeling of impostership.

You leave abruptly, and I don’t quite know if I feel guilty.

A gang gang bird takes my fancy.

The green woods call to me.

Merlin. He’s there, you know.

Robust and eyes full of light.

He pretends not to notice

The demise of humankind.

He knows he’s not responsible but, like you, like me

And all the rest of them - compromised and displaced -

He wants to help in the recovery.

Joining him in a cup of mint tea, we bond a plan. Get started.

Time is now.

Keep the focus, talk right, set intentions

Chill the chaos, rally the mayhem.

And one day faerieland ignites. Seemingly well.

By DJ Elton

From: Australia


Instagram: djeltonwriter

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