“The Strength of Color”: in Dedication to the Memory of George Floyd

A sonnet in dedication to the memory of George Floyd, whose death is mourned by us all.


The strength of [our] color will prevail: white,

black, yellow, or red make no difference

in the racist threat against existence

that oppresses with might but is not right!

In numbers, unity explodes like night

afire with flames, like a deliverance

about to split apart Intolerance,

the racist's bark, and the mean bigot's bite.

It is right; and has the appearance of

strong, marching Youth who reform the old view,

and shine a vision of a world suffused with love,

grace, justice, and rightness in hearts anew.

Our tribes can live in peace and soar above

as One, when our colors become one hue.

By Ngoc Nguyen

From: United States