The Spring

I have written this poem on the king of seasons, Spring and how it's duration is affected by the abrupt climate change.


Beyond the qualm of brumal frost, out with the stifling swelter.

Eclipsing the spell of the darkling lour; O spring, we admire thee ever.

When the tranquil ambience of fecund season incentivizes our natal pulse,

The apparent equinox of the prolonged Phoebus evokes our creative impulse.

The luminary season brings with it the vistas of cherry blossoms.

The pulchritude of the season is depicted by crocus, tulips and alyssum.

The hibernating creatures awaken from Morpheus’ appendages,

And passerines revert to their primordial abode from yonder vales and places.

The phiz of mankind is overwhelmed with euphoria, ecstasy and bliss,

The season of gala and fiesta brings in happiness, contentment and peace.

Unlike the harsh maximal seasons, the evanescent floraison fades away soon,

Leaving behind the perplexed human race, yearning abysmally for this boon.

The dwindling springtime has aroused due to abrupt climate transpose.

For our treacherous greed has recklessly plundered the subsisting natural resource.

By Aadityaamlan Panda

From: India

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