The Nebulous House Warming Gift

Young Paulie is giving the unevitable task to find a gift for the in laws. What he wraps up will warm the in laws for months to come.


After the lovely Gratitude Day dinner served under the sun’s guidance Paulie was informed that the in laws were to return in a couple of weeks for the festive party that his family held every December 24th. Before all the guests departed, they were giving a small piece of paper. Paulie’s handwritten message stated, “The In Laws.”

While walking through the holiday marketplace that the villagers wait for every year he turned to Becky Sue and inquired, “What am I supposed to get the in laws this year?”

Giving a laugh Becky Sue honestly responded, “something to think about,”

“That is a wonderful idea,” Paulie answered, “a gift that they can reflect upon.”

A week past then a couple of days and still Paulie did not put his finger on what should partner with the decorated evergreen tree for the annual display. Lying in his bed he could smell the honesty coming from the kitchen and decided to invade the sweet scene, “would you like some fresh cookies straight from the oven?” Momma proudly pulled out the baked items black and burned, “they will comfort your soulful heart.” That is when the bulb went off in Paulie’s head.

It was not much later that the small cottage was no longer a creative production area instead there was the same traditional contingent celebrating boasting spirits in hand.

“It is time to exchange gifts,” Momma announced which pointed the group to the living room. Underneath the healthy green arbor fixture was a large gift in eye appealing wrappings and a note card stating, “To: The In Laws, From Paulie.”

Amazed at the beautiful presentation the In-laws joyously remarked, “is this for us!?”

“Yes, of course, it will make you warm your thoughts,” Paulie nicely mentioned.

In only a few seconds paper was removed to reveal a large package containing coal and being confused the in laws asked, “my young lad Paulie, is this for our stockings?”

“No Mommy bought you heated orthotics for that,” Paulie smiled, “this should last you the whole winter.”

Only a month went by and the In Laws were inside their own home while the snow outside painted a wintry landscape. Staying close the two in-laws watched the stove brick grill featuring flashy bright red and yellow colors heat the room, “Do you remember where all this coal came from?” One in law wanted a reminder.

“Young Paulie,” his wife reported, “he gave us that whole bag.”

“That is right such a thoughtful gesture, and who would have thought it would be put to clever use already.”

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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