The Lost Connection

Loss of Faith in Technology


My Wi-Fi connection was lost in the wood.

In sorrow, I cursed an angry oath,

And turning in place as I stood,

Watching the meter, hoping I would

Find my way through the undergrowth.

I tossed the phone high in the air,

In hopes perhaps it would give aim.

I followed it’s arc to see where,

Once it landed, how it pointed there.

Like Yojimbo, I followed the same.

But I, for a moment, decided to lay

In leaves so deep, upon my back.

Perhaps I’d rest another day,

Then rise more confident of my way.

I feared I might never get back.

I write this with a heavy sigh,

For readers who doubtless in ages hence,

Will stumble upon these bones, where I

Had paused, unseen by passers-by,

When this note will make no difference.

By Ken Gosse

From: United States

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