The Drawn Hands of Hope

I took a building tour the other day

There were colonial rooms and long hallways

Drawn pictures of hands covered the wall

Inspirational messages in them all

In one it asked for all too just hold hands

A slogan we are all suppose to understand

But when we are walking along

You see people looking at others like there is something wrong

Another pictures asked to take guns from the schools

A gentle reminder on how the world is cruel

In a place where kids are just looking for their grad year

They have to sit in their desks living with fear

Countless, simple messages

Looking to the future to get rid of the garbage

More important than most of ours

To us, any little thing makes it sour

I look at the drawn hands of hope

I wonder how they are able to cope

I think it has turned into a sin

How we do not listen to the advice of our children

By Andrew Scott

From: Canada


Instagram: andrewscott1971

Twitter: justmaritimeboy

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