The Border Land Farm

Please enjoy my piece "The Border Land Farm". I hope this healthy vision to dealing with something that is forced upon someone beyond one's control will bring closure to understanding the powerful overtaking word "lockdown"


In a rural country far away, there was a small village that bordered another nation where the enemy lived. A young boy was playing in the garden where his Mother spent the day making sure the eggplant she planted had a healthy upbringing and would find joy in bringing a delicious experience to an individual looking for nourishment.

For most of his life the young boy had seen fear in his parents' eyes, always having a threat that the enemy had something invisible which could take control of their lives. Not to add salt to the wound the verbal abuse in a one-way communication sound bite seemed to challenge the proud family who due to a real estate holding had a leadership post in the community.

“Momma, we own the barn, right?” The youngster stopped his playful exercise, “we own only half the barn.” an answer responded.

“Half is better than nothing,” the young boy commented, making his Mother smile.

“Papa is something wrong,” the Motherly voice sounded changing the subject from the innocent inquiry started by youthful thoughts.

“I was watching the square box with antennas, they are talking having a lockdown,” Papa reported, “the enemy got us good this time, they know how to hurt us without a big explosion.”

“It’s the blood cells isn’t it,” the Mother diagnosed the situation while pulling the purple vegetable from the ground, “we can eat this for dinner.”

“Come Paulie, we must go inside.”

With the unforgiving weather approaching a low white cell blood count forced the family to be extremely cautious since one bad cough could turn into a deadly situation.

Inside Papa went straight for the rabbit ears fiddling with the metal rods making the picture clearer, “Papa those people talk and talk,” the Mother commented, “and we are leaders here in this village, we do own half the barn.”

“Yes, Mama, we are leaders in this village, and they should listen to us.”

“But they can’t,” Paulie interjected, “they are in that box in the big city.”

“And we are here with the enemy as a neighbor preparing for a lock down.”

“What did they say that made the enemy mad?” Mother pondered while checking the well-stocked refrigerator, “they wear those fancy clothes and...”

“And we own half the barn which is better than nothing,” Paulie finished the sentence.

“You are going to be a great leader in this village, Paulie,”

“And we will own the whole barn by then.”

“Shh,” Papa interrupted, “the information is coming on,”

Inside the small device two people seemed to have sheets of paper in front of them but their eyes stared into the camera giving the allusion they were reading.

“We are getting ready for lockdown,” the female stated.

“In only seconds,” the male individual announced.

“We better get our masks,” Papa warned, and the two others found their protection that hid their smiles giving the enemy strength.

Forty days past and the lockdown ended. Apparently, an angry group who had a gripe got their hands on medical disease vials that were being studied at a University and decided to use them as a peaceful weapon thinking there was no theatrical presentation like a nuclear bomb going off.

Upon hearing this the lockdown ended and Paulie went outside to enjoy the fresh air.

“Mama,” he said, “do we still own half the barn?”

“No, Paulie,” the Mother sighed, “we own the whole barn, the enemy confessed and gave us our land back.”

“I guess forty days of sacrifice and forgiveness can lead to winning in the end,” Paulie hopped off the stoop to be a kid.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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