Symbolism Acrostic

Symbolism is odd these days.

You are censored online for your view.

Memories that the constitution allows people to vote differently.

Big problem when companies fire people for political opinions.

Open your eyes you are losing the symbol of freedom of speech.

Laugh when a senator openingly says we are going to get you back.

I think evil has come and no one is standing up against it.

States forcing people to wear masks?

Memory is quarantine the sick, while tyranny forced prison for all.

I look for someone to say no.

Sad, I see corporation paying for insurance fraud.

Oddity I see evil winning today.

Daily burning cities down is insurance fraud.

Doubt me?

These days YouTube view people being paid to burn things down.

Honestly to see evil is wild.

Eternity how do you know who is the good or bad guys?

Simple the good guys do not burn things down.

Eternity remembers evil as destroying history.

Doubt race baiting is a crime?

Attacking police illogical protesters committing insurance fraud.

You doubt what I am saying no one will care in time.

By Clinton Siegle

From: Bolivia
