Speech Of Angels

There is more to language than speech.


Shifts of language

Clumsy floating variables

To share the totality of nature

And the stuff of heaven

The interference and

Meddling gossip of media

Hurl pillows and panic

Congregations of prime-time cannibals

Selling pharmaceuticals

The circus improbability

Of pageant winners

Defined as statesmen

Preach solemnly with

Thick lips and slender hands

There is no greater eloquence

Or compelling cognitive thunder

Than the unspoken visions of the dead

We shared our touch

And now it is more

A promenade through burden and joy

A triumph of life via death

Where the designs of our natural world


Not in inexpensive words

But sacred bouquets of silence

Our speech in thought and vision

Forever defined and everlasting in the now

And the success of this perfect language

Transformed to the sharing of infinity

I see Nonno with his grey vest

And white t-shirt

Why does he smile and not laugh

To the little boy looking up?

His angel assures and articulates

His heart in mine

I become the answer to every young riddle

That surrounds the bewilderment of a child

His silence is not obscure

And it is not finite

It is sweet and shatters complications

In early growing days

I shared a hard firmament

With Mama and Papá

Scraped and suffered necessary treaties

Endured the venue of voice

And were prejudiced by its sound

Near their corporal ends

The material world

Changed the rules of speech

To terrible and hurtful noises

But the unmistakable dialogue

Of their newer angels

Rescued me from pain and delivered us

To a pact of acceptance in simplicity of love

Now I talk to Mama

She tells me Giulio I was not afraid

You saw the cancer mask my face

It cannot interfere with us now

Or forevermore

Papá’s angel does not have tremors

He still shaves with a straight razor

Has a garden that everyone admires

He speaks as before in stuttering excitement

And I am glad as these are his ways

I recognize my beloved father

When he explains to his friends

“This is my son”

In absence they are not silent

I cannot miss my angels

And they cannot miss me

Find your angels

For they have been waiting

And wait for you still

By Giulio Magrini

From: United States

Instagram: giulio0227/

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Giulio27