

Silence is the ray of sunshine scattering away the heavy-hearted gloomy clouds,

Silence is the first dew drop glistening in the plucked petal of the rose,

Silence is the twilight lit sky inviting the passionate dreamers to dream away

Silence is the "look" of a writer, while channeling the overwhelming emotions to the "context" of time

Silence is the nostalgic reference to the days of yesterday, that within a second seem a little too near or

a little too far,

Silence is the rage unexpressed, unuttered, unfolded but most dangerously unattended…

Silence is the prayer to 'GOD' who faintly hears those chants, the bells but wholeheartedly understands the quietest cries,

Silence is the "urge", the urge to escape from the false promises, the artificial smiles and the "too perfect lives",

Silence is the "wall" that somehow or for some reason will neither be broken nor "mended",

Silence is the isolation, that confronts all, one day or the other with its own set of laws,

Silence is the sudden "shatter", inexplicable to those who try to decipher it with polished emotions,

Silence is nature, complete to the very core,

Silence is you, me and us, as we pass each day attempting to get hold of our emotions, moving ever

closer to the invisible bond that bounds us all together…

By Rajani Regmi

From: Nepal