Risky Behavior

There are risky behaviors that can cause us certain issues, if we want to play, like Hepatitis B, for drug users and those sexually active, in an average day...

Lost in addiction, chasing health options is not usually the first quest in one’s day, so the Hepatitis B shot didn’t receive the results and sat on the shelf to decay.

So “Waste not, want not,” is on display and the new clientele have 5 shots applied, between 1 day and 10 years old, without sex, drugs, or rock and roll in play!

It must be an error, unless they are protecting from a paedophile array, or maybe the dusty bottles were just added for good measure, in a toxic buffet...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Parler/Gab/Fuzia: traceydoesrhymetime