Faithfully Answering The Dinner Bell

Food For Thought... Enjoy this tale which is a small morsel as a nice entrée filled with nice dinner conversation, Bon Appetit


Despite the rumblings from above Paulie could find peace reflecting inside the barn that was cut in half during a domestic dispute that bordered on two neighbors on the same family tree that continued to grow and blossom. Somehow the agriculture landmark was once the centerpiece to where one would satisfy hunger until other fractions played the friendly social game and took control using logical talkative rhetoric which sounded right.

They called themselves ‘The Appetizers’ and proclaimed to have everything needed for the entire evening and the early morning darkness.

“We laughed at their joke, but things got out of hand when they started to just order the half price items during happy hour,” Paulie could remember as the water tinkled on the structure.

Inside stall number five there was a miniature zebra wearing black and white markings showing a 50/50 split. He had a habit going from one side to the other in the small confinement that was called home.

“So, who fills your buckets?” Young Paulie announced after seeing the head appear, “which one is always being filled? The left one over there or the right one near me?”

Paulie watched as the four-legged striped equine looking resident checked the feeding container and returned only to slobber over the door.

“Who do you have faith in?” The boy continued the questions, “what is on your left or right?”

Paulie watched the Bucheli enjoy the prepared meal, “I made sure you were fed, not them.”

Standing up Paulie’s path was magically given light when the flash flickered for a second before the crackling noise made a late afternoon statement. “You think someone is mad?” Paulie acknowledged the violent activity outdoors, “complaining they did not show up to fill your bucket?” Paulie challenged the zebra who was caught in the middle of the situation.

Opening the trunk, he was sitting on the youngster found a seed packet filled with contents that would create gigantic eggplants and zucchinis.

“I am hungry, right now,” Paulie continued his monologue taking the small grainy pellets from inside the packaging, “I have the faith that if I put this in my stomach that the eggplant and zucchinis will grow inside me and will give me nutrients for days maybe weeks.”

Pulling away the zebra stopped listening to the nonsense and went on the other side to relax in his bedding, “Did I make your bed up properly?” Paulie inquired putting the shell into his mouth, “is it nice and comfortable for Ya?”

Since there was not a response Paulie stopped his soap box as the storm started to taper off, “who am I kidding?” Paulie thought to himself, “this seed is not going to do anything more then get stuck in my teeth, I will be starving for eternity.”

Going back, he sat down on the box that contained all the farming equipment wondering why the zebra decided to lay down on ‘The Appetizers’ side.

It was then a yellow light shined through the cracks and the rays seemed like a gloved hand offering support.

Knowing the heavenly message was done talking on its pulpit Paulie stood up and opened the door to reveal a beautiful rainbow, “such beauty came out of this dangerous situation,” Paulie whispered.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard, “Paulie it is time for dinner,” the Motherly call stated and Paulie ran as fast he could to the house.

“Did you think I forgot?” Mrs. Entrée questioned.

“No, Mom, I never lost faith in you,” Paulie responded giving a hug, “just like the zebra never loses faith in me, when you know the appetizers do not show up.”

“That is right Paulie we do not always need ‘The Appetizers’ since we have full control of the situation being ‘The Entrees’,” Paulie’s Mother smiled, “I made sure your bed is nice and comfortable for you to relax in after we eat.”

“I love you Mom,” Paulie exclaimed pecking her cheek, “and I will never lose faith in you.”

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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