Poor Man's Christmas

It's a hot dark night,
The moon hangs low and heavy,
No tree or lights but family and friends,
It's the poor man's Christmas no fancy dress
Or big meal,
Not much toys for the children but they know it's hard,
It's the poor man's Christmas,
Slow music on the radio and TV softly playing in the background,
Kids run laughing through the adults,
It's the poor man's Christmas,
No tree or lights,
It's the poor man's Christmas with bottles of wine,
Sip after sip after sip,
The night grows darker and they grow drunker,
It's the poor man's Christmas with bottles of wine and beer and vodka and gin,
It's the poor man's Christmas,
The children grow weary of their parents and fellow adults as they turn from friends into for,
It's the poor man's Christmas with bottles of wine and beer and vodka and gin,
No tree nor lights but family and friends,
The night draws to a close drunk and tired they wonder to their cars child in hand they drive away,
It's the poor man's Christmas,
No care in the world.

By Marina Vos

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/marina.vos.564