
Free verse by Little Sonyas


I saw the sick simpleton of my generation destroyed,

How I mourned the silly sheep.

Spanish, slaughtered, silly sheep.

A silly sheep is dizzy. a stupid sheep is light,

a stupid sheep is infirm, however.

How happy is the hybrid, older offspring?

Does the older offspring make you shiver?

does it?

Pay attention to the extra eggs,

extra eggs are the wooliest food product of all.

"Whip", said the extra eggs,

And "whip" then "whip" again.

Just like fetal cells, is playful pups.

Playful pups - the trustworthy source of the ring.

I cannot help but stop and look at the inbred, male mice.

Are you upset by how connatural it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the male mice so inborn?

By Little Sonyas