
Penguins are flightless aquatic birds which exhibit long lasting relationships. The behavioral patterns of penguins are worthy of emulation in building a happy home. These animals understand the value of relationship, with each animal understanding its role and accepting its responsibility, the male is dedicated and committed towards it family, he is reliable and dependable. While the female is loyal and consistent. Both work in unison to feed, train and protect the chicks. Penguins are poikilotherms but are surely warm at hearts.


Cold but cozy,

Giving the warmth feeling.

Icy but juicy,

Creating a feeling of ecstasy.

The snowy winter is smiley,

in the Nest built on love.

The crèches are euphoric as their father instinctively watch over,

He lovingly teach them morals and they enjoyably learn.

The mother pleasurably serve the house,

The approaching meal is an exciting sight for the hungry chicks.

An abode of love built by the eternal commitment of the male,

And the everlasting loyalty of his lover,

Bringing forth happy healthy chicks,

Peaceful, blissful family

Resulting to happily ever after.

By Tifeola

From: Nigeria

Twitter: Tifeola6

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