Pen And Paper

A poem based on the prompt "pen and paper" which I saw online.


Every time I picked up the pen and paper

I noted down how your lips curled nicely

A smile that took away my breath again

I wrote details of that smile obsessively

My pen knew how to move on its own

To write about the person that I loved

The paper lingered to learn about you

Curious to know why you were special

They knew you more than I possibly did

I wrote about you as if you were a routine

Days when I couldn’t be right beside you

I told the paper how I missed your smile

I wonder if it would tell you my secrets

if the paper could talk to you someday

Would you then know how I loved you?

Or would you ignore it as you did to me?

My best friends are the pen and the paper

I talked to them more than I talked to you

They understood me better than you did

Yet I still loved them less than I loved you

By Shalaka Sawant

From: India


Instagram: shalakawriter