Pegasus On Strike

The winged unicorn is called Pegasus, a winged divine stallion, a symbol of poetic inspiration. 

Its flight is an allegory of the soul’s immortality.

(my latest conflict with my winged unicorn) 

I was sitting at my corner this morning 

thinking to write something poetic,

Something for love, 

Something that melts the heart,

something that burns the imagination.

And…I wished myself very good luck.

My Pegasus was curled on the floor

resting next to my couch. 

I hoped he’ll get up and fly,

I hoped he will glide,

But… he said “I’m on strike”

And pointed out the dazzling chandelier 

with his twisted sparkling horn. Oh, Dear!

My pen began dripping blood.

Heavy blue cloud darked the sky

and purple hell began drumming on the path

of my creative imagination.

Then, came the flood of useless words,

a tornado of unfitted verse after verse -

with no rhythms, no rhymes. 

The page became thin, almost transparent.

My magical feather made hole after hole; 

scratching deep to the table.

I was thinking: “I’d better

write on paper tissue”.

My stallion nodded his horn: ”True”

and went back to sleep.

How I deserved this? 

– He telepathically read my mind.

“You abused me every day and night.

From sunset to sunrise you write

and you write, and you write…

I am hungry and tired, I cannot fly.

That’s why, I’m on strike. It is already midnight.

At least you can share with me glass of wine.”

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States