Inka's Curse Part 1: Patience

The world's unpredictable no matter at what time of day, but the most sufficient time to scavenge was when the sun was up. Genuine danger seemed to sleep during the day.

A self-defensive weapon was too expensive for me. My fishing rod couldn’t cause any damage. The best I could perform typically was to run and hide. It was a coward’s strategy, but it hasn't failed me yet. There shouldn’t be any creatures or bandits at the beach because it had snowed the day before. I could gather some fish, seaweed and a few gorgeous seashells to sell. The beach was white covered in a thin layer of snow. There were enormous rocks and large purple starfish scattered around. The large rocks are great hiding places if you can climb them quick enough.

It was a pleasant day until I overheard something moving around nearby. With my feet wet and covered with sand, I grabbed my boots and put them on as quickly as I could. I floundered from the shore’s edge to the few enormous rocks that were spread out on the beach. My heart pounded out of my chest as I prayed it wasn’t bandits. Then I carefully hid on one of the rocks to investigate the unusual sound.

It was just a giant blue-green lobster cautiously trying to open up some wooden boxes that washed up on the shore. My chest relaxed as I carefully observed it rip some of the boxes that seemed to contain food. The boxes were likely from a shipwreck. Jackpot if I can discover the ship’s location.

Over the massive rock, I made a small makeshift tent to block the sun as I spied on the lobster. I waited for it to get bored and naturally leave. As time passed I began to worry that my exotic fish would spoil. I wasn’t planning on being there all day. The radiant sun was setting. When I began to shiver, I bundled up my old tattered up jacket.

My temporary tent wasn’t going to keep me warm enough to survive a night out there. I was tired of the prevailing wind and sand blowing fiercely around me. It would be most efficient if I went home and exchange what I’ve collected, but when I got up to leave I glimpsed something shining from one of the unopened boxes. I couldn’t identify it, but I knew instinctively that waiting a little while longer would be worth it even if it meant spoiled fish.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait for a long time. Three man-sized seagulls flew around the lobster. They eagerly pecked it for its food. They squawked and pecked at the lobster’s eyes as the lobster flailed its arms at them. It slaughtered them with its large claws before crawling its way into the sea.

After it promptly left, I rummaged through the garbage it left behind for any food it hasn't spoiled. There was nothing left. Then I opened the untouched boxes. There was an unusual leathery chest plate too heavy to carry in my backpack. I wasn’t going to abandon it.  Instantly I placed it over my clothes. Without delay, my teeth started to chatter. I must get home before the prevailing weather kills me and I had just made things worse. At that moment I recognized the shiny object. My eager eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I obtained the valuable prize for my incredible patience. It was a gleaming sword.

I eagerly seized it and as I did so the sword began to shout at me.

“Leave, leave, leave!”

By Cristina Collazo