Oblivious Joy

I wish at times to

blind my eyes.

Unknow the truth

from time to time.

Enjoy a movie

as it is,

not search to see

clues held within.

I wish I would have

never seen,

what goes beyond

the in-between.

So I could live

a normal life.

Play ignorant,

create my strife.

I wish that I

could not foresee,

paths that unwind

and what will be.

So I can let fate

reel me in,

follow my bliss

focus within.

Touched by a light

so warm and bright.

It lit my sight

I gained new heights.

With opened eyes,

I searched the skies.

Infinite sighs

pulled me up high.

By Grace Y. Estevez

From: United States

Website: https://graceofthesun.com/

Instagram: graceofthesun

Twitter: GraceoftheSun1

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/GraceoftheSun