Not Enough Hair...

Not Enough Hair on my Chinny-Chin-Chin

No birds will nest in my beard, unlike the ones Lear feared.

(Search for "There was an Old Man with a Beard")


I think that I shall never see

a beard that looks half good on me,

whose chin, when hungry mouth is full,

will ne’er have hair that you can pull

though eyes, half-open wide all day,

can’t see through eyebrows made of hay.

They start within around my chin

and grow without beneath my snout,

but whether I may pout or grin,

a beard, ’tis feared, I’ll live without.

Birds nest above in grayest hair,

but not ’neath nose in meadows bare.

Desist from shaving? Proven vain,

for beards won’t grow where they’ve no reign.

Oh growth, how can you be so slow

that even gods can’t make it so!

By Ken Gosse

From: United States

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