Next Stop: The Future

"Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today".- Malcolm X

Well, no amount of preparations seem enough for all the tomorrows to come. Senior year, with all its academic pomp, from the perspective of a frustrated 16 year old.


One word: Overwhelming

Scratch that. A bunch of words. Crappy ones, might I add. Entrance exams, extracurriculars, essays, sops, interviews. Not to mention the mightiest of them all- grades. It feels like my life has been condensed into the box built by these words as of late, of what they mean. That if I were to define myself, it would be in lieu oft hese terms. It's as if someone has taken a rope and bound them to my self-worth. The seemingly perpetual haze in my mind now keeps quizzing me on am I doing enough? reaching to my fullest potential? making those around me proud? and the answers I give have a negative ring to them. They start with uncertainity, fear, and end with throwing questions back. Certainely not getting a good score for that.After acing this quiz of mine, I usually proceed to franctically checking my portfolio, googling colleges and even more extra-curriculars, and for the cherry on top, worrying my friends with questions about the future in this frenzied state of mind.And no matter how much I play along to the rhythm of its all going to work out in the end, I just fail to feel that way sometimes. It dosen’t help either when all those around you, practically the rest of the world seems to have it all figured out. And you don't. And so you question yourself even more. On was this the right path to take, will i be satisfied with what i do in the future? Am I truly listening to my heart? Or, do I bite down. Follow the norm. Go with what makes sense, with what will be 'better' for me in the long run. With what will make me more money.

The future can be daunting.

In a way, it is like tracing uncharted waters, stepping out into the real world for the very first time.

Like you were in this cozy bubble of familiarity uptil this point, and your life truly begins now.

Daunting, but exciting. Terrifying, but filled with the answers to your curiosity at the same time.

So, in the end, all you and i can do, is to embrace it.

Is to have faith that even though it may feel sometimes that it won't be okay, time will be kind to us, and eventually show us that it will.

By Ishani Manvi

From: India


Instagram: Ishanimanvi_