Mysterious Meandering

A weekly hike turns into a mystery that needs to be solved quickly to keep three siblings safe from harm.


We were an adventurous trio: two girls and a boy.

Our weekly treks throughout the woods generated joy.

One autumn hike brought cool weather and downed branches.

We constantly cut the boughs to improve our hiking chances.

Our frequent journeys were meant to explore, not destroy.

But this day we altered mother nature, a voyage to enjoy.

On this unfamiliar path, we were filled with intense delight. 

Sam suggested that we keep going until we need a flashlight. 

Shortly, our mysterious meandering suffered a new turn. 

The flashlight failed in the darkening forest; a cause for concern. 

Did the woodland want to punish us for doing her harm?

Could we ever find out way home to the family farm?

This mystery worried us, but we needed to make a plan.

Suzie decided to climb a nearby tree, the region to scan.

Turns out we were going in circles and were close to home.

Sam soon spied our neighbor’s yurt, fashioned like a dome. 

We trudged on toward our barn, ready to devour refreshments then rest. 

Our wonderful wandering produced willpower overcome another test.  

By Debby Hackbarth

From: United States


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