Lying, As a Fog

Slender tendrils of fog

Slither in from a roiling sea

Coiling like snakes as they encounter

a tree standing on the shore

Settling to the damp moss

The mists begin to build

Rising to obscure branch and leaf

Blotting out the dawn’s dim light

First as a haze

Then a deep bank

Masking the tree’s presence

Seeking to deny its very existence

As the sun climbs higher in the morning sky

warming and illuminating the earth below

The fog begins to dissipate

Becoming unsustainable

In the face of the new day

Its moisture first coalescing

into dew on the ferns

Then being absorbed into the soil

its power spent

Until at last ‘tis gone

And the tree stands tall and firm

in the glory of the sun’s brilliance


Thus is deceit like a fog

Forming from the struggles of one Man against another

Creeping as a shroud to cover

the trees, real and beautiful

Yet deceit cannot stand

against Light and Warmth

and will ultimately fall against it

allowing what was hidden to again hold forth

Towering above all



And True

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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