
it is an expression of an impassioned lover who senses that his girlfriend equally loves him but can't just propose. Hence, it's a state of his lunacy.


I can't flow through your eyes, being tears;

Neither can I circulate through your veins, being blood.

I can't reside in your bosom, being palpitations;

Nonetheless, I assume you as my appendage.

I can't penetrate into your breath, being a fragrance;

Neither can I exhibit you my instincts, being an enchanter.

I can't assemble with your voice, being a melodious tune;

Nevertheless, I feel the presence of your soul in me, ever.

I can't plunge into your intensions' oceans, being a surfer;

Neither can I join in your nimbleness, being an enchanter.

I can't render you my longings, being an orator;

Nevertheless, I perceive your favor for my personality.

I can't stroke your body, being a summer breeze;

Neither can I kiss you, being an ardent butterfly.

I can't accompany in your joys and agonies, being a destined partner;

Nevertheless, I perceive your love, care and guidance for me.

By Bimal Kishore Shrivastwa

From: Nepal