Looking Forward

It is time to manifest our New Earth


I am thankful I can see around the corner and start travelling on a road that’s straight...

I look forward to a time of viewing the masses and not seeing the faces of protected hate.

A “Molotov Cocktail” is a twisted way of believing you are the winner of a humanity debate!!!

Truly believing you are above the rest and then looting stores, once you’ve thrown the bait.

It is just taking advantage, creating a greedy brawl, to increase mild mannered change, to irate.

Whatever someone feels was their entitled gain, leaves a stain on the hearts trying to clean the slate.

Murder is wrong without debate, so maybe we can switch to saving the stolen children, while they shiver in wait?

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime

Gab: traceydoesrhymetime

Parler: traceydoesrhymetime